We saw the beginning of revival in 2 weeks! Keep reading!


🔹 Blake is still in Colombia, ministering as the Lord leads and the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully. Besides, he’s been a key peacemaker for important relationships and the restoration of a Church that had stopped meeting. 

***He will join us to minister in Mexico in September.***

🔹 Mark keeps writing his book on revival;

🔹 Mariah and Mark are still in the region of Itaperuna (Brazil); working with dozens of pastors, from different denominations, who said yes to Mark’s word and us helping them to be in unity and to prepare the way for the Lord in their city. We’ve received many confirmations about the prophetic words the Lord gave to Mark about the region and our coming (several people had dreams and visions of us coming and having the key to Revival). The Spirit of repentance is coming hard and pastors are publicly confessing their sins. We believe that because of that, within 2 weeks, the Spirit of God is manifesting for first time over church groups, bringing repentance, giving visions and dreams, children are going to Heaven and encountering Jesus and much more!

🔹Also, ministering in services several times a week. Despite our weakness, the Lord honors His Word as He always does and awakens hearts to love, brings deep repentance, healing the sick/delivering, etc.

🔹Continue to minister everywhere we go. We continue to see people healed, delivered, and saved in the streets. Testimony: We went to Mariah’s old school where she had started an evangelism group 8 years ago that is still going now. She ministered to about 30 students. Then she led 7 people to Christ who were on school staff.

🎯 In our hearts for July/August:

🔹 Mark and Mariah: go to Rio de Janeiro on 8/1 for our friends’ wedding, then, to São Paulo on August 4th, to start blowing the trumpet to hundreds of pastors and hopefully they will start to prepare for revival. (São Paulo is the biggest city in Brazil – around 10 million people.)

🔹August 22nd fly back to Monterrey, quickly go to the USA and then return with Blake to Mexico again, to continue helping hundreds of Churches to be in unity and prepare for and have revival.

🔹 Mariah to finish her short discipleship book for brand-new believers;

🔥 Testimonies:

A new Brazilian friend who is a powerful intercessor has been praying for her husband to shift for many years, and after we prayed for him and she started doing the process for revival, she said he is completely changed and his heart is now on fire for Jesus, prayer, and revival. Also, one of her daughters, away from God, came back to Jesus this week, and 2 other daughters are encountering Jesus in the Heavenly Places! 🔥♥️

Prayer requests: 

🔹 Mark’s x-ray showed an even greater bone loss in his mouth, but we keep believing and declaring a full miracle and no more infection;

🔹To always abide in Jesus and do nothing in our own strength (Jn 15);

🔹 For great GRACE for the hundreds of churches we are giving leadership to for Revival (also that they will keep saying YES to Jesus);

🔹 If you receive any verses, impressions, visions, words, please share!

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