ALMschool - Student Area


Previous classes :

Free classes:

Fullness of Salvation (english only – no subtitles):

Session 1 (Classes 1 & 2):

Session 2 (Classes 3 & 4):

Session 3 (Classes 5 & 6):

Session 4 (Classes 7 & 8):

Session 5 (Classes 9 & 10):

ALMschool Homework – Sessions 1 through 5

Session 1:

  • Study and reflect on the teachings about God’s voice and obedience shared in the class.
  • Review past experiences of hearing God’s voice and consider how to respond.
  • Practice applying the teachings on hearing and obeying God’s voice in daily life.

Session 2:

  • Practice being still for at least 15 minutes daily to improve hearing God’s voice.
  • Increase engagement with the Word of God through reading, writing, speaking, praying, and singing it.
  • Listen to audio versions of the Bible during daily activities.
  • Study and search for Scriptures related to how God speaks.
  • Invite God into every aspect of daily life and activities.
  • Seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit if it hasn’t been received.
  • Practice recognizing God’s voice in various ways He speaks.
  • Record prophecies received or given to others.
  • Be cautious in interpreting and applying words received from God.
  • Be patient with the process of revelation, confrontation, transformation, and manifestation when receiving a word from God.

Session 3:

  • Practice one of the taught methods for hearing God’s voice that is not the usual way.
  • Increase engagement with God’s Word through speaking, singing, and writing it more.
  • Practice being led by peace and joy in decision-making.
  • Practice recognizing which thoughts are God’s voice versus personal ones.
  • Ask God questions throughout the day about what He wants to do or say.
  • Maintain peace and joy even during tests and trials.
  • Rejoice, praise, and thank God in the midst of tests and suffering.

Session 4:

  • Practice meditating on Bible verses daily rather than just reading.
  • Ask questions and seek deeper understanding when reading Bible stories.
  • Record oneself reading a Bible story slowly and imagine the details while listening back.
  • Pay attention to everyday objects that God may be using to communicate.
  • Write down and analyze dreams upon waking.
  • Ask God questions about symbols and visions received.
  • Study biblical symbols and their meanings.
  • Practice entering a childlike state to enhance spiritual perception.
  • Listen to audio recordings of the Bible throughout the day.
  • Sing, read aloud, and write out Bible verses by hand.
  • Be open to God speaking in various ways beyond just through Scripture.

Session 5

  • Practice being still for 15 minutes a day to improve hearing God’s voice.
  • Begin practicing one of the top methods of hearing God’s voice that is not the usual way.
  • Record reading a Bible story slowly and imagine all the details while listening.
  • Start doing either the “coffee with Jesus” or the “read it, write it, sing it, say it, pray it” exercise.